Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
org.opendaylight.mdsal yang-binding 0.8.5-SNAPSHOT jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.mdsal.model ietf-inet-types 2010. jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.mdsal.model ietf-yang-types 2010. jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.yangtools yang-common 0.8.5-20170514.113240-22 jar Eclipse Public License v1.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
com.github.romix java-concurrent-hash-trie-map 0.2.23-ODL jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 jsr305 3.0.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 guava 18.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.opendaylight.mdsal.model ietf-type-util 0.8.5-SNAPSHOT jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.yangtools concepts 0.8.5-20170514.113152-22 jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.yangtools object-cache-api 0.8.5-20170514.113210-22 jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.opendaylight.yangtools util 0.8.5-20170514.113227-22 jar Eclipse Public License v1.0
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.12 jar MIT License

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree

  • org.opendaylight.mdsal.model:ietf-ted:bundle:2013. Information
    • org.opendaylight.mdsal.model:ietf-inet-types:jar:2010. (compile) Information
      • org.opendaylight.mdsal.model:ietf-type-util:jar:0.8.5-SNAPSHOT (compile) Information
    • org.opendaylight.mdsal.model:ietf-yang-types:jar:2010. (compile) Information
    • org.opendaylight.mdsal:yang-binding:jar:0.8.5-SNAPSHOT (compile) Information
    • org.opendaylight.yangtools:yang-common:jar:0.8.5-SNAPSHOT (compile) Information
      • org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.12 (compile) Information
      • org.opendaylight.yangtools:object-cache-api:jar:0.8.5-SNAPSHOT (compile) Information


MIT License: SLF4J API Module

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: FindBugs-jsr305, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, TrieMap

Eclipse Public License v1.0: concepts, ietf-inet-types, ietf-ted, ietf-type-util, ietf-yang-types, object-cache-api, util, yang-binding, yang-common

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
java-concurrent-hash-trie-map-0.2.23-ODL.jar 47.08 kB 42 30 2 1.6 Yes
jsr305-3.0.0.jar 33.03 kB 72 35 3 1.5 Yes
guava-18.0.jar 2.26 MB 1719 1690 17 1.6 Yes
yang-binding-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 88.70 kB 81 66 3 1.6 Yes
ietf-inet-types-2010. 47.80 kB 46 20 1 1.6 Yes
ietf-type-util-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 14.31 kB 17 4 1 1.6 Yes
ietf-yang-types-2010. 38.17 kB 43 17 1 1.6 Yes
concepts-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 16.62 kB 37 26 1 1.6 Yes
object-cache-api-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 14.32 kB 25 13 2 1.6 Yes
util-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 110.59 kB 89 77 2 1.6 Yes
yang-common-0.8.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 25.72 kB 26 13 1 1.6 Yes
slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar 32.13 kB 39 28 3 1.5 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
12 2.72 MB 2236 2019 37 1.6 12
compile: 12 compile: 2.72 MB compile: 2236 compile: 2019 compile: 37 - compile: 12