
Base Information

prefix vtype
namespace urn:opendaylight:vtn:types
revision 2015-02-09
description The module that descripes various data types used by the VTN Manager.
yang-version 1
imports action:opendaylight-action-types 2013-11-12; inv:opendaylight-inventory 2013-08-19; yang:ietf-yang-types 2010-09-24; l2:opendaylight-l2-types 2013-08-27;

Type Definitions Summary

Name Description
vnode-name The name of the virtual node.
vnode-state Describes the state of the virtual node in the VTN.
vnode-update-mode Describes how to update a virtual node.
vtn-update-type Describes the result of the operation that updates the configuration.
vtn-error-tag Describes the generic error conditions. VTN RPC will set one of below values as a string into application tag in RPC error when it fails.
vtn-update-operation-type Describes how to update existing resources.
vtn-acl-type Describes the type of access control list.
vlan-host-desc Describes the host in VLAN. The value must be a pair of MAC address and VLAN ID joined with `@'. The first element must be a string representation of MAC address in lower-case hex format (e.g. 00:11:22:33:aa) or an empty string. An empty string implies that the MAC address is not specified. The second element must be a string representation of VLAN ID in decimal format. Zero means the untagged Ethernet frame. Note that VLAN ID is mandatory.
vtn-port-desc Describes the location of the physical switch port. The value must be a comma-separated list that has 3 elements. The first element must be a node-id which specifies the physical switch. If the second element is not empty, it is treated as the identifier of the node connector corresponding to the physical switch port. A string representation (in decimal) of the port number for the physical switch port needs to be specified when you specify the OpenFlow switch port. If the third element is not empty, it is treated as the name of the physical switch port.
vlan-type Describes the VLAN type supported by the VTN Manager.

Groupings Summary

Name Description
vtn-vlan-id-field Describes a field which specifies the VLAN ID.
vtn-switch-port Describes the location of the physical swtich port. This model describes only the information that identifies the port within a physical swtich, and does not describes the information that identifies the physical switch.
vlan-host Describes the host in VLAN. A host in VLAN is specified by a pair of MAC address and VLAN ID.
vbridge-path-fields Describes a set of fields which specify the location of the vBridge inside the VTN.
vlan-host-desc-set Describes a set of `vlan-host-desc' values.
vtn-index Describes an int32 fields named `index' that determines the order of elements in a list. Unlike `ordered-list', a value for `index' field is limited from 1 to 65535.
vnode-path-fields Describes a set of fields which specify the location of the virtual node inside the VTN.
vtn-switch-link Describes an inter-switch link.
vterminal-path-fields Describes a set of fields which specify the location of the vTerminal inside the VTN.
vtn-flow-timeout-config Describes configurations for flow entry timeout.
vtn-port-location Describes the location of the physical switch port.
vtn-rpc-result Describes the generic information of the RPC result.

Type Definitions
