
Base Information

prefix vif
namespace urn:opendaylight:vtn:vinterface
revision 2015-09-07
description The module that describes the data models for virtual interface, which is an input and output interface that could be set in virtual node in VTN.
yang-version 1
imports inv:opendaylight-inventory 2013-08-19; vfilter:vtn-flow-filter 2015-09-07; vtype:vtn-types 2015-02-09; portmap:vtn-port-map 2015-09-07;

Groupings Summary

Name Description
vtn-mappable-vinterface-list Describes a list of virtual interfaces which can have port mapping confuguration.
vtn-vinterface-info Describes information about virtual interface.
vtn-vinterface-config Describes configuration for a virtual interface.
vtn-mappable-vinterface Describes information about a virtual interface which can contain port mapping configuration.
vtn-mappable-vinterface-status Describes runtime status information about a virtual interface which can contain port mapping configuration.

RPCs Summary

Name Description
remove-vinterface Remove the specified virtual interface. On failure, one of vtn-error-tag value which indicates the cause of error is set into application tag in RPC error. `BADREQUEST' is set if the RPC input contains invalid data. `NOTFOUND' is set if the VTN specified by `tenant-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if the vBridge specified by `tenant-name' and `bridge-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if the vTerminal specified by `tenant-name' and `terminal-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if the virtual interface specified by the RPC input is not present. `INTERNALERROR' is set if the operation failed due to internal error.
update-vinterface Create or modify the specified virtual interface. If `bridge-name' field in the RPC input is configured, the virtual interface inside the specified vBridge will be creted or modified. If `bridge-name field is omitted and `terminal-name' field in the RPC input is configured, the virtual interface inside the specified vTerminal will be created or modified. Upon successful completion, the result of this operation will be set to the `status' field in the RPC output. `CREATED' indicates that the specified virtual interface has been newly created. `CHANGED' indicates that the configuration for the specified virtual interface has been changed. Null indicates that the configuration for the specified virtual interface was not changed. On failure, one of vtn-error-tag value which indicates the cause of error is set into application tag in RPC error. `BADREQUEST' is set if the RPC input contains invalid data. `NOTFOUND' is set if the VTN specified by `tenant-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if the vBridge specified by `tenant-name' and `bridge-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if the vTerminal specified by `tenant-name' and `terminal-name' is not present. `NOTFOUND' is set if `update-mode' field in the RPC input is `MODIFY' and the specified virtual interface is not present. `CONFLICT' is set if `update-mode' field in the RPC input is `CREATE' and the specified virtual interface is present. `INTERNALERROR' is set if the operation failed due to internal error.


RPC Definitions

