
Base Information

prefix vaction
namespace urn:opendaylight:vtn:flow:action
revision 2015-04-10
description The module that describes the flow actions supported by the VTN Manager.
yang-version 1
imports inet:ietf-inet-types 2013-07-15; action:opendaylight-action-types 2013-11-12; vtype:vtn-types 2015-02-09; l2:opendaylight-l2-types 2013-08-27; yang:ietf-yang-types 2013-07-15;

Groupings Summary

Name Description
vtn-ordered-flow-action Describes the flow action fields with `order' field.
vtn-dladdr-action-fields Describes the flow action fields that sets the MAC address into packet.
vtn-action-fields Describes the flow action fields supported by the VTN Manager.
vtn-ipaddr-action-fields Describes the flow action fields that sets the IP address into packet.
vtn-flow-action-list Describes a list of flow actions.
vtn-port-action-fields Describes the flow action fields that sets the port number for IP transport layer protocol into packet.
