Maven Site is a handy tool for auto-generating a website containing site details for your project based on information scanned from project pom files. It can also be used to auto-generate coverage reports and Javadoc pages. This page will describe how to generate a Maven site for your ODL project.

Enabling Maven Site generation

The odlparent project provides most of the necessary configuration already to generate a Maven site for all ODL projects but the site generation is disabled by default. In order to enable site generation you will need to create a file called “deploy-site.xml” in the root of your project repo. This file’s existance will cause the Maven build as well as ODL Jenkins system to start generating and deploying the site to Nexus.

Below is an example configuration you can copy to create the deploy-site.xml this file is not too complicated and the only thing you need to change is to ensure that the <groupId> is configured to use your project’s namespace.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- vi: set et smarttab sw=2 tabstop=2: -->
    Copyright (c) 2015 The Linux Foundation and others.  All rights reserved.

    This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
    terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
    and is available at
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">






Note that the above file is a dummy file who’s only purpose is to push a staged-site to Nexus as well as being the trigger for odlparent to activate site generation for your project.

Fix Maven Site URLs

The maven-site-plugin assumes projects are configured in a certain Maven way which unfortunately ODL is not configured as such. This causes the site plugin to generate invalid URLs to all project modules. The workaround for this is to pass both a url and a for every single module in your Maven project. The following template should be placed into all modules in an ODL project with the exception of the root pom (this will be explained below the example).

    Maven Site Configuration

    The following configuration is necessary for maven-site-plugin to
    correctly identify the correct deployment path for OpenDaylight Maven


Note: For the project root pom.xml remove the final path “${project.artifactId}” from both URLs. This is so that the root project can represent the root index page for your project when the Maven Site is deployed.

Customize project site

In the root pom of your project you can create customized site including creating your own project Documentation via markdown (or other formats) using the maven-site-plugin. Please refer to Maven Site documentation for how to customize your site.

The general documentation can be found here

The following pages are particularly useful regarding creating your site content:

Aggregating Java apidocs

Javadoc is generated automatically for each bundle however to aggregate them all into a single convenient url we need to ensure that the root pom has a profile to activate it. The following should be copied into the profiles section of the project root pom.

        This profile is to ensure we only build javadocs reports
        when we plan to deploy Maven site for our project.


Also once you have the configuration to generate apidocs you will also want to create a site.xml to add a menu item in Maven Sites linking back to the apidocs.

Create the file src/site/site.xml in the root of your project with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="PROJECT">
        <menu name="Overview">
            <item name="Javadocs" href="apidocs/index.html" />

Replace PROJECT with the name of your project for example “odlparent” or “controller” etc…

Local Site Generation

To test Maven Site Generation locally you can run a build and then deploy a staging site locally and view it with your webbrowser.

mvn clean install
mvn site:deploy -Dstream=boron
firefox target/staged-site/index.html