List of installation Troubleshooting How to’s

After executing db_setup, you have encountered the error "Failed to setup database"?

The error could be due to the below reasons * Access Restriction

The user who owns /usr/local/vtn/ directory and installs VTN coordinator, can only start db_setup. Example :

  The directory should appear as below (assuming the user as "vtn"):
  # ls -l /usr/local/
    drwxr-xr-x. 12 vtn  vtn  4096 Mar 14 21:53 vtn
  If the user doesnot own /usr/local/vtn/ then, please run the below command (assuming the username as vtn),
              chown -R vtn:vtn /usr/local/vtn
  • Postgres not Present
1. In case of Fedora/CentOS/RHEL, please check if /usr/pgsql/<version> directory is present and also ensure the commands initdb, createdb,pg_ctl,psql are working. If, not please re-install postgres packages
2. In case of Ubuntu, check if /usr/lib/postgres/<version> directory is present and check for the commands as in the previous step.
  • Not enough space to create tables
Please check df -k and ensure enough free space is available.
  • If the above steps do not solve the problem, please refer to the log file for the exact problem
/usr/local/vtn/var/dbm/unc_setup_db.log for the exact error.

What are the things to check after vtn_start?

  • list of coordinator processes
  • Run the below command ensure the Coordinator daemons are running.
       Command:     /usr/local/vtn/bin/unc_dmctl status
       Name              Type           IPC Channel       PID
    -----------       -----------      --------------     ------
        drvodcd         DRIVER           drvodcd           15972
        lgcnwd         LOGICAL           lgcnwd            16010
        phynwd         PHYSICAL          phynwd            15996
  • Issue the curl command to fetch version and ensure the process is able to respond.

How to debug a startup failure? The following activities take place in order during startup * Database server is started after setting virtual memory to required value,Any database startup errors will be reflected in any of the below logs.

         /usr/local/vtn/var/db/pg_log/postgresql-*.log (the pattern will have the date)
  • uncd daemon is kicked off, The daemon in turn kicks off the rest of the daemons.
  Any  uncd startup failures will be reflected in /usr/local/vtn/var/uncd/uncd_start.err.

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