Single Node Clustering

To enable clustering on a single OpenDaylight controller, do the following:

  1. Download and unzip a base controller distribution. You must use the new openflow plugin, so download a distribution where the new openflow plugin is either the default or can be enabled.
  2. Navigate to the <Karaf-distribution-location>/bin directory.
  3. Run Karaf: ./karaf
  4. Install the clustering feature: feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering
  5. If you are using the integration distribution of Karaf, you should also install the open flow plugin flow services: feature:install odl-openflowplugin-flow-services
  6. Install the Jolokia bundle: install -s mvn:org.jolokia/jolokia-osgi/1.1.5

After enabling the DistributedDataStore feature in a single instance, you can access the following features:

  • Data Sharding: The in-memory MD-SAL tree is broken up into a number of smaller sub-trees (inventory, topology, and default).
  • Data Persistence: All of the data available on defined data shards is stored on a disk. By restarting the controller, you can use the persisted data to reinstate those shards to their previous state.

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